We are at your side with comprehensive, individual services. From consulting and joint planning of individual equipment solutions to training your personnel and supplying spare parts and support for maintenance work.

Our service concept offers you optimum support far beyond the usual after-sales service. Together with you, we develop your individual service package tailored to your requirements for every application.

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Our equipment has been in use worldwide since 1960 and is characterized by a long service life. Retrofitting modern, efficient plants can be an interesting alternative to purchasing new ones. Small measures can keep existing capacities at a high level for a long time. We advise you in detail on the possibilities of retrofitting your plants, develop individual solutions and implement the retrofitting measures for you.

We are your partner for retrofit, engineering and consulting. Together, we optimize your machines and plants, keeping them always at the cutting edge of technology. Our wide range of preventive maintenance measures reduces downtimes to a minimum. Higher efficiency is our common goal.

For existing plants, a retrofit can make more sense than replacement by new construction. By replacing obsolete components and adding new, up-to-date technological advancements, existing plants are brought back up to date. The advantage for the plant operator lies in the modernization of the plant and the associated increase in productivity at significantly lower costs compared to the purchase of a new plant. The stable basic substance of the machine is retained and, in the case of large machines, the high replacement investments for foundation construction are not required. Even the existing protection of a plant that would probably no longer receive a new permit can be preserved by a retrofit.


Supply of original spare parts

Before the wear of individual parts and components affects the quality of your products, regular inspection and early replacement is a must for maintaining the performance and availability of your equipment. By changing spare and wear parts at an early stage, you ensure continuous production at the highest level.

Regular maintenance for maximum operational reliability

Regular inspection and maintenance are important prerequisites for the reliable operation of your production facilities. Our service experts take care of all necessary routine maintenance and repair work and help you to maintain machine availability. Costly plant downtimes or malfunctions are thus prevented.

Comprehensive training on machine operation on site or at our premises

Our experienced service experts train your employees on the production machine on site. This guarantees you efficient, trouble-free production and the best possible operation of the equipment.

Online service/HelpDesk

Online service establishes a direct connection to your line. Technical specialists are available for online troubleshooting and online diagnosis. The prerequisite is a corresponding Online service system (remote server on your system). If necessary, we can call on other specialists from engineering and process technology within a very short time.